Virtual Worlds and Real World Effects Understanding the Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Video Games in Youth
Examining the Link between Elevated Sexual Behavior and Bipolar Disorder in Youth
Short Communication
Influence of Parental Factors on Adolescent Smoking Expanding the Theory of Planned Behavior
Longitudinal Influences of Maternal Sensitivity and Child Inhibition on the Development of Internalizing Behaviors in Adolescents
Navigating Cancer Treatment Experiences of Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Navigating Sexual Health Understanding the Needs of Children and Adolescents
The Connection between Weak Parent-Child Boundaries and Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder
Rapid Communication
The Journey of Mind Exploring Psychological Development from Childhood to Adolescence
The Relation of Moral Emotion Attributions to Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior A Meta-Analysis
Adolescent Achievement and Behavioral Outcomes the Influence of Social Capital and Timing of Geographic Transitions