Indian School Psychology Association

Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior

Sexual Behaviour and Sex Practices among Secondary School Students in Enugu


Author(s): Obuoha Ejike

The study aimed to evaluate the sex practices of secondary school students, to high-light risk behaviors and suggest behavioral changes necessary for preventing and/or reducing HIV transmission. 1009 multi-staged sampled secondary school students aged 10-20 years completed the anonymous interviews. 221(21.9%) of them reported having had sexual intercourse prior to the interview. There were more males than female’s (p<0.001). 221 of the students have been sexually active in the past 12 months while 70 were active in the past 4 weeks. The median sex frequency was 2 times and highest among the 14-15 year olds. The age for first sexual intercourse peaked at 12 years for both sexes, more males than girls (p<0.03). The 16-17 year olds were the most sexually active with 75(33.9%) of them (7.4% of the study population) affirming they had sexual exposure. 98.2% of the sexually active student practiced high risk sexual behavior; more than 5 sexual partners per student, had sex with married people, accepted money for the sexual relationship and did not know their sexual partners well. A substantial number of the students knew that their sexual partners had other sex partners. A good number also practice homosexuality and lesbianism. Appropriate information about sexuality education and the negative consequences of early sexual exposure, STIs/HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy should be provided in public schools.