Indian School Psychology Association

Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior

Quality of Post Abortion Care and Service Satisfaction among Women who Received the Post Abortion Care Service in Dilla University Referral Hospital, SNNPR, Ethiopia.


Author(s): Girma Worku Obsie

Background: Post abortion care encompasses a set of interventions to respond to the needs of women who have miscarried or induced an abortion. Over time, the view among medical and public health experts has evolved to define post abortion care services to include a comprehensive package of public health interventions beyond those oriented primarily around emergency medical treatment.

Objective: To  assess quality of post abortion care and service  satisfaction among women who received a post abortion care service in Dilla University Referral Hospital, Ethiopia.

Methods: Facility based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 78 participants purposively selected May, 2018. Patients and services providers interviewed and via observation inventory of equipments and supplies were carried out for the assessment. The source of population of this study was all women within the age range of (15-49) and who has already received an abortion service in Dilla University Referral Hospital during data collection period. Finally data was presented in frequency tables and graph and computed for significant association with overall satisfaction of clients.

Results:  The age of the respondents of post abortion client ranged from 15 to 45 years and  the majority 48(61.6%) of the respondents  receiving post abortion care were found to be married at the time of the study. The respondents expressed that overall their satisfaction was 21(26.9% )whereas around three-fourth 57(73.1%) of respondents were not satisfied compared with the services they were received. Variable such as long waiting time and age of respondent ranged 31-35years were found to be associated with level of satisfaction of patients consumed relatively low quality of services.

Conclusion: The findings of this study was indicated that the overall satisfaction of patients toward post abortion care service was low and the health facility had inadequate medical equipment and supplies required for provision of quality services. Therefore; Health facility should be equipped with adequate and appropriate all inventories are required for provision of quality service of post abortion care and unique attention should be given to patients from trained service providers are recommended.