Indian School Psychology Association

Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior

Prevalence and Predictors of Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents of Ethiopia: School Based Cross Sectional Survey


Author(s): Nebiyu Dereje, Sabit Abazinab and Abiot Girma

Abstract Background: Tobacco use is one of the leading public health threats in the world causing different health, and psychosocial risks. At a moment the spread of tobacco use is growing at fast in the adolescents, who are the future of the country. However, little information is known about the magnitude and predictors of tobacco use in Ethiopia. Objective: This study was aiming to assess the prevalence and associated factors of cigarette smoking among adolescents of Ethiopia Methods:school based cross sectional study was conducted from April 10 to April 15,2014 in 12 high schools selected randomly from public and private sectors, three from each in Hawassa town, and Jimma town, Ethiopia. Students [n = 1673] from grade 9-12, in the age limit of 13-19 were included in the study. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire that is adapted from global youth tobacco survey questionnaire. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were made using logistic regression on SPSS version 20.0 software in order to predict factors associated with tobacco use. Result: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among adolescents were found to be 28.6% ever smokers, and 17.2% current smokers. In addition, more than half [60.8%]of adolescents were exposed to tobacco smoke from others in public places. In the multivariate analysis sex, alcohol use, parent smoking, peer smoking, exposure to movie with actors smoking, not being exposed to anti-smoking media messages, not discussing in the class about danger of smoking, and having perception that smoking is not dangerous to healthwere seen significantly associated with current cigarette smoking among adolescents. Conclusion and Recommendations: The prevalence rate is increasing in its spread, the gap between male and female is decreasing and exposure to environmental tobacco exposure is widespread. Therefore the government of Ethiopia should legislate, enact, and enforce laws that decrease accessibility of cigarette, totally ban smoking in the public places, and prohibit tobacco advertisement and promotions in Medias and movies. Moreover adolescents of the country should be enriched with the knowledge on the dangers of tobacco use.