Indian School Psychology Association

Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior

Development of Adaptive Behaviour in Children



Although there’s expansive exploration in the early discovery of autism, no study has compared the adaptive geste of youthful children with fragile X pattern (FXS) and children with autism across periods. We delved the crosssectional development of adaptive geste in children with FXS and children with autism between 18 and 83 months of age. Analyses revealed a significant relationship between age and adaptive geste standard scores for children with FXS, with dropped performance across periods. Analyses also revealed that children with FXS had a fairly flat performance across disciplines while children with autism are generally more variable with lower scores in the communication sphere relative to other disciplines. Detainments in adaptive geste were apparent for children with FXS and children with autism at 24 months of age as reported in former literature. Counteraccusations and unborn directions are bandied.