Indian School Psychology Association

Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior

Customer Value of LINE Mobile Services: The Study of Adolescents in Three East Asian Cities


Author(s): Yi-Sheng Wang

Although previous studies on customer satisfaction and loyalty are quite extensive, few have focused on customer value in LINE mobile services (LMSs) and its effect on customers, and the belief transmission mechanism of customer value has been ignored or underestimated. This study used grounded theory to summarize the evidentiary bases and concepts for establishing a conceptual model for an underlying LMSs belief transmission mechanism on the basis of customer value. The results obtained offer three potential contributions: value-driven, situational dynamics, and beliefs transmission. The analysis demonstrated two plausible pathways in beliefs transmission: beliefs adaptation and augmentation, and beliefs adaptation manifested in satisfaction and social exchange. Beliefs augmentation manifested in word-of-mouth, interpersonal network, and demonstrative effects. The pathways associated with customer value modes were uncovered in this study. The findings concerning beliefs transmission mechanism expands literature on the origins of customer value.